Sunday, February 6, 2011

So, I guess I start from the beginning?

I've never been one to put my real feelings out there for all to see. It's much easier to laugh and joke it off with some sort of goofy comment. But this past year I have noticed how many of my friends are blogging or journaling or something like that. And it helps to let out our feelings in some sort of constructive way, even if it's to a million total strangers on an internet blog site. I thought I would give this a shot. So here goes.

To keep all of this short and sweet (and so you won't yawn and click elsewhere) I will sum up the past 15 years like this: Graduated high school, got married at 20, lost baby number one after one week of life, lost baby number two to stillborn, survived my own fun with blood clot drama, got divorced at 27, ran through a series of non-committing/cheating boyfriends (yay!) and now at age 33 have left my job of over 10 years, buried my mom, moved, and started a new job. I'm single, tired, afraid, and pretty much just exhausted right now. I miss my mom and, I kind of feel lost. I need a break, some "me time", and some spiritual time. And to keep this post as short as I can, my main goal here is to use this blog as I work to find my way again.

Maybe some of the words I write will help someone else. Maybe not. But as I dive a little deeper into some of these life topics in a future blog, my hope is that is will help people to understand why I am who I am and why I do what I do. And how I have stumbled through it all. But it's bedtime now. Until next time...

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